Publications: |
Heller, R., V.
Cercasov, and W. v. Engelhardt, 1986: Retention of fluid
and particles in the digestive tract of the Llama. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
83A, No. 4, 687-691. |
Lechner, M., R.
Heller, V. Cercasov und W. v. Engelhardt, 1986: Partikelgroeßen und
Verweilzeiten im Magendarmkanal bei Kamelen im Vergleich mit Rindern und
Schafen, J. Anim. Physiol. a. Anim. Nutr. 56, 144. |
Haas, U., and M.
Jaeger, 1986: Degree of esterification of pectins determined by photoacoustic
near infrared spectroscopy. J. Food Science 51, 1087-1089. |
Haas, U., 1986: Study of the liquid-gas boundary of water and alcohols
by photoacoustic spectroscopy. Can. J. Phys. 64, 1063-1066. |
Wieser, P., and R.
Wurster, 1986: Application of the laser microprobe mass
analysis to particle collections. In physical and chemical characterization
of individual airborne particles. Spurny, K. R. (Ed.), Ellis Horwood Ltd.
Chichester UK. |
Contributions to
Conferences: |
Bauer, H. E., and H.
Seiler, 1986: Surface analysis by secondary electron
spectroscopy. Proc. XIth Int. Cong. On Electron Microscopy, Kyoto, 141-142. |