Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Doernbrack, A., M. Leutbecher, J. Reichardt, A. Behrendt, K.-P. Mueller, and G. Baumgarten, 2001: Relevance of mountain wave cooling for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds over Scandinavia: Mesoscale dynamics and observations for January 1997. J. Geophys. Res. 106(D2), 1569-1582.
Eckhardt, K. and J. G. Arnold, 2001: Automatic calibration of a distributed catchment model. J. Hydrol. 251(1-2), 103-109.
Fohrer, N., S. Haverkamp, K. Eckhardt, and H.-G. Frede, 2001: Hydrologic response to land use changes on the catchment scale. Phys. Chem. Earth Pt. B 26(7-8), 577-582.
Mengelkamp, H.-T., G. Kiely, and K. Warrach, 2001: Evaluation of hydrological components added to an atmospheric land-surface scheme. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 69, 199-212.
Mengelkamp, H.-T. and K. Warrach, 2001: Applications of an atmospheric/hydrological land-surface scheme. In: Gutknecht, Hantel, Nachtnebel, (Eds.): Scaling Problems in Hydrology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 51-68, ISBN 3-7001-3334-0.
Mengelkamp, H.-T., K. Warrach, C. Ruhe, and E. Raschke, 2001: Simulation of runoff and streamflow on local and regional scales. Meteorol. Atmo. Phys. 76(1), 107-117.
Nagel, D., U. Leiterer, H. Dier, A. Kats, J. Reichardt, and A. Behrendt, 2001: High accuracy humidity measurements using the standardized frequency method with a research upper-air sounding system. Meteorol. Z. 10(5), 395-405.
Raschke, E., J. Meywerk, K. Warrach, U. Andrae, S. Bergstroem, F. Beyrich, F. Bosveld, C. Fortelius, L. P. Graham, S.-E. Gryning, S. Halldin, L. Hasse, M. Heikinheimo, H.-J. Isemer, D. Jacob, I. Jauja, K.-G. Karlsson, S. Keevallik, J. Koistinen, A. van Lammeren, U. Lass, J. Launiainen, A. Lehmann, B. Liljebladh, M. Lobmeyr, W. Matthaeus, H.-T. Mengelkamp, D. B. Michelson, J. Napiórkowski, A. Omstedt, J. Piechura, B. Rockel, F. Rubel, E. Ruprecht, A.-S. Smedman, and A. Stigebrandt, 2001: BALTEX (Baltic Sea Experiment): An European contribution to investigate the energy and water cycle over a large drainage basin. B. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 82(11), 2389-2413.
Uhl, R., J. Franzke, and U. Haas, 2001: Detection of Ar and Kr traces in noble gases by diode laser absorption spectrometry. Appl. Phys. B 73, 71-74.
Veit, U. and I. Henning-Mueller, 2001: Influence of different meteorological parameters on the development of an ozone gradient between the soil surface and a level of 250 cm. Meteorol. Z. 10(4), 277-281.
Warrach, K., H.-T. Mengelkamp, and E. Raschke, 2001: Treatment of frozen soil and snow cover in the land surface model SEWAB. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 69, 23-37.
Wulfmeyer, V., and C. Walther, 2001a: Future performance of ground-based and airborne water vapor differential absorption lidar. I: Overview and theory. Appl. Optics 40(30), 5304-5320.
Wulfmeyer, V., and C. Walther, 2001b: Future performance of ground-based and airborne water vapor differential absorption lidar. II: Simulations of the precision of a near-infrared, high-power system. Appl. Optics 40(30), 5321-5336.
Contributions to Conferences:
Behrendt, A., and C. Weitkamp, 2001: Optimizing the spectral parameters of a lidar receiver for rotational Raman temperature measurements. In: Dabas, A., C. Loth and J. Pelon (Eds.): Advances in Laser Remote Sensing: Selected Papers Presented at the 20th ILRC, Vichy, France, July 10-14, 113-116.
Behrendt, A., J. Reichardt, C. Weitkamp, T. Nakamura, and T. Tsuda, 2001: Atmospheric temperature profiling with rotational Raman lidar. 65. Physikertagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (65th Meeting of the German Physical Society), March 26-30, 2001, Hamburg, Germany.
Behrendt, A., T. Nakamura, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2001: Study of atmospheric dynamics with the new rotational Raman lidar of RASC at Shigaraki, Japan. Eos Trans. AGU, 82 (42), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A42A-0081.
Behrendt, A., T. Nakamura, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2001: Study of atmospheric dynamics with the new rotational Raman lidar of RASC at Shigaraki, Japan. Proceedings of the 110th SGEPSS Fall Meeting, November 22-25, 2001, Kyushu University, Japan, B22-13.
Behrendt, A., T. Nakamura, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2001: The first measurement results with the new RASC rotational Raman lidar. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Atmospheric Lidar Society, Aug. 6, 2001, Nagoya, Japan, 45-49.
Eckhardt, K., C. Friedrich und H.-G. Frede, 2001: Unterscheidbarkeit von Boeden in der hydrologischen Modellierung. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 96, 595-596.
Haas, U., 2001: Sensitive detection of environmental trace gases by diode laser spectroscopy. Symposium, China Agricultural University, Beijing (China), November 21, 2001.
Janjic, T., 2001: Error due to unresolved scales in estimation problems for atmospheric data assimilation. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, December 6, Greenbelt.
Janjic, T., 2001: Error due to unresolved scales in estimation problems for atmospheric data assimilation. University of Hohenheim, October 17, Stuttgart.
Martinec, M., E. Hartung, T. Jungbluth, F. Schneider, and P. Wieser, 2001: Reduction of gas, odor and dust emissions from swine operations with biofilters. ASAE Paper No. 01-4079. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Sauter, R., and U. Haas, 2001: Detection of climate relevant trace gases by photoacoustics with modulated diode laser excitation. Workshop ‘Photoacoustics and Photothermics’, Ebernburg, Germany.
Schneider, F., T. Engelhardt, and P. Wieser, 2001: Characterization of aerosol particles from animal husbandry with single particle analytic techniques. ASAE Annual International Meeting, Sacramento, California, ASAE Paper No. 01-4010, ASAE.
Weckwerth, T., C. Flamant, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2001: Clear-air boundary layer observations from radar and water vapor DIAL. 30th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, Muenchen, July 2001.
Weitkamp, C., R. Baumgart, A. Behrendt, P. Bisling, J. Glauer, U.-B. Goers, S. Koehler, W. Lahmann, and J. Reichardt, 2001: Lidar ozone measurements in the marine and terrestrial atmosphere from the ground to the tropopause. Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2001, July 9-13, 2001, Sydney, Australia.
Wolff, O., and U. Haas, 2001: A temperature dependent study of structural modification of polar liquids near to the gas boundary by photoacoustic spectroscopy. Workshop ‘Photoacoustics and Photothermics’, Ebernburg, Germany.
Wurster, R., 2001: SEM and EDX analysis of a periodically doped thin film. Conference on Modern Microscopical Methods "Dreilaendertagung fuer Elektronenmikroskopie" (Abstract), Innsbruck
Monographs and Reports:
Henning-Mueller, I., 2001: Isotopenklimatologie aus Jahrringen (Interannueller Verlauf von stabilen Isotopen aus Jahrringen von Eichen Quercus petraea L. in Hohenheim), 2001, BMBF gefoerdertes Forschungsteilprojekt unter der Leitung vom Inst. fuer Botanik (210) der Univ. Hohenheim , Prof. Dr. B. Frenzel, Dipl. Agr.-Biol. M. Friedrich, (hier speziell: Bereitstellung der taeglichen Niederschlagsproben der Wetterstation Hohenheim).
Janjic, T., 2001: Error due to unresolved scales in estimation problems for atmospheric data assimilation. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Pantelica, A. and V. Cercasov, 2001: Experimental setup and elemental analysis of lichen bioaccumulators before exposure.
Raschke, E. and K. Warrach, 2001: Water cycles in the climate system. In: Lozan, J. L., H. Grassl, and P. Hupfer, (Eds): Climate of the 21st Century: Changes and Risks. Wissenschaftrliche Auswertungen, Imbekstieg 12, D - 22527 Hamburg, 184-189.
Schultz, M. G., J. Feichter, H.-S. Bauer, and A. Volz-Thomas, 2001: On the role of european and non-european emission sources for the budgets of trace compounds over europe. Report of the MPI Met., No. 334.
Uhl, R., 2001: Spektrometrische Elementbestimmung mit Diodenlasern in Gleichspannungs- und Hochfrequenzplasmen. Dissertation, Universitaet Hohenheim.
Wulfmeyer, V. (Coauthor), 2001: European Space Agency, WALES - Water vapour lidar experiment in space. The Five Candidate Earth Explorer Core Missions, European Space Agency, Report for Assessment, ESA SP-1257(2), September 2001.
Haas, U. und J. Franzke, 2001: Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Feststellen eines Lecks sowie Verwendung einer solchen Vorrichtung fuer die Lecksuche. Patentschrift DE 198 53 049 C2.