Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Behrendt, A., and T. Nakamura, 2002: Calculation of the calibration constant of polarization lidar and its dependency on atmospheric temperature. Opt. Express 10(16), 805-817.
Behrendt, A., T. Nakamura, M. Onishi, R. Baumgart, and T. Tsuda, 2002: Combined Raman lidar for the measurement of atmospheric temperature, water vapor, particle extinction coefficient, and particle backscatter coefficient. Appl. Optics 41(36), 7657-7666.
Behrendt, A., T. Nakamura, Y. Sawai, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2002: Rotational vibrational-rotational Raman lidar: Design and performance of the RASC Raman lidar at Shigaraki (34.8 deg N, 136.1 deg E), Japan. (invited) In: U.N. Singh (Ed.), Lidar Remote Sensing for Industry and Environment Monitoring II, SPIE Vol. 4484.
Cercasov, V., A. Pantelica, M. Salagean, G. Caniglia, and A. Scarlat, 2002: Comparative study of the suitability of three lichen species to trace-element air monitoring. Environ. Pollut. 119(1), 129-139.
Drewnick F., and P. H. Wieser, 2002: A laser ablation electron impact ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer for analysis of condensed materials. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 3003-3006.
Eckhardt, K., 2002: Vergleich zweier Algorithmen zur automatischen Modellkalibrierung. Hydrol. Wasserbewirts. 46(2), 69-73.
Eckhardt, K., S. Haverkamp, N. Fohrer, and H.-G. Frede, 2002: SWAT-G, a version of SWAT99.2 modified for application to low mountain range catchments. Phys. Chem. Earth 27(9-10), 641-644.
Lammel, G., A. Roehrl, and H. Schreiber, 2002: Atmospheric lead und bromine in Germany. Environ. Sci. Pollut. R. 9, 397-404.
Lenhart, T., K. Eckhardt, N. Fohrer, and H.-G. Frede, 2002: Comparison of two different approaches of sensitivity analysis. Phys. Chem. Earth 27(9-10), 645-654.
Reichardt, J., S. Reichardt, A. Behrendt, and T. J. McGee, 2002: Correlations among the optical properties of cirrus-cloud particles: Implications for spaceborne remote sensing. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29(14), 13-1-13-4.
Warrach,K., M. Stieglitz, H.-T. Mengelkamp, and E. Raschke, 2002: Advantages of a topographically controlled runoff simulation as in a soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer model. J. Hydrometeorol. 3(2), 131-148.
Contributions to Conferences:
Bauer, H.-S., H. Bauer, I. Henning-Mueller, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2002: Global cloud statistics and the performance of space borne lidar systems: global cloud coverage and resolution of water vapour lidar experiment in space (WALES) measurements. In: Bissonette, L. R., G. Roy, and G. Vallee (Eds.): Lidar Remote Sensing in Atmosphere and Earth Sciences, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the 21st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC21), Quebec, Canada, July 8-12, 803-806.
Behrendt, A., T. Nakamura, M. Onishi, R. Baumgart, and T. Tsuda, 2002: Combined pure-rotational vibrational Raman lidar for the measurement of atmospheric temperature, humidity, particle extinction, and particle backscattering. In: Bissonette, L. R., G. Roy, and G. Vallee (Eds.): Lidar Remote Sensing in Atmosphere and Earth Sciences, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the 21st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC21), Quebec, Canada, July 8-12, 559-562.
Behrendt, A., T. Nakamura, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2002: Recent upgrades of the RASC Raman lidar and new measurements proceedings of the 112th SGEPSS Fall Meeting. November 2002, Tokyo, Japan.
Behrendt, A., T. Nakamura, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2002: Simultaneous profiling of temperature, humidity, and optical particle properties: recent upgrades of the RASC Raman lidar. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Atmospheric Lidar Society, November 27, 2002, Tokyo, Japan, abstract No. 19.
Behrendt, A., T. Nakamura, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2002: The new RASC lidar at Shigaraki observatory for profiling temperature, humidity, and optical particle properties. Abstracts of the International Symposium on Equatorial Processes Including Coupling (EPIC), March 18-22, 2002, Kyoto, Japan, 45.
Eckhardt, K., 2002: Potenzielle Auswirkungen von Klimaaenderungen in einem Einzugsgebiet des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges. Forum fuer Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 1, 107-113.
Fohrer, N., S. Haverkamp, K. Eckhardt, and H.-G. Frede, 2002: Policy induced land use changes and its effect on land degradation - A modelling approach -. In: Rubio, J. L., Morgan, R. P. C., Asins, S., Andreu, V. (Eds.): Man and Soil at the 3rd Millenium. Geoforma Ediciones, Logrono, 2002, Vol. 1, 257-265.
Garand, L., E. Gérard, D. Tan, V. Wulfmeyer, G. Ehret, and P. Di Girolamo, 2002: WALES (water vapour lidar experiment in space): Impact of space borne measurements on NWP and climate research. 21th International Laser Radar Conference, Quebec City, Canada, July 2002. 
Janjić, T., T. Schaberl, V. Wulfmeyer, R. K. Newsom, and R. M. Hardesty, 2002: 24-h Observations of the marine boundary layer using ship-borne NOAA high-resolution doppler lidar. 21th International Laser Radar Conference, Quebec City, Canada, July 2002.
Onishi, M., A. Behrendt, K. Kurimoto, J. Furumoto, T. Nakamura, and T. Tsuda, 2002: Simultaneous humidity and temperature measurements with Raman lidar and radio acoustic sounding. In: L.R. Bissonette, G. Roy, and G. Vallee (Eds.): Lidar Remote Sensing in Atmosphere and Earth Sciences, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the 21st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC21), Quebec, Canada, July 8-12, 709-712.
Reinhardt, T., R. Sauter, and U. Haas, 2002: Photoacoustic trace gas detection with wavelength modulated diode laser excitation. In: 34. Hohenheimer Umwelttagung “Globale Klimaerwaermung und Ernaehrungssicherung”, 165-170.
Schaberl, T., F. Mayer, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2002: Wasserdampf Differential Absorption Lidar in der Atmosphaerenforschung, 34. Hohenheimer Umwelttagung, Januar 2002.
Wulfmeyer, V., 2002: Satellitengestuetzte Fernerkundung des wichtigsten Treibhausgases: Der Beitrag der Universitaet Hohenheim. Plenarvortrag, Hohenheimer Umwelttage, Januar 2002.
Wulfmeyer, V., 2002 (invited): Lidar - The next generation. Current and future applications due to recent technological advance. 21th International Laser Radar Conference, Quebec City, Canada, July 2002.
Monographs and Reports:
Haas, U., 2002: Physik fuer Pharmazeuten und Mediziner, nach dem Gegenstandskatalog. Ein Lehrbuch fuer alle Studierenden mit Physik als Nebenfach. 6. Auflage, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
Pantelica, A., V. Cercasov, E. Steinnes, and B. Wolterbeek, 2002: Elemental analysis of airborne particulate matter, lichen bioaccumulators and total deposition after 6 months of exposure. Received Aug. 28.
Reinhardt, T., 2002: Photoakustischer Nachweis von Ammoniak mit Diodenlasern im Spektralbereich des Nahen Infrarot. Dissertation, Universitaet Hohenheim.
Schneider, F., T. Engelhardt, P. H. Wieser und V. Wulfmeyer, 2002: Untersuchung von Aerosolpartikeln aus der Landwirtschaft am Beispiel von Emissionen aus der Mastschweinehaltung. In: Boecker R. und A. Sandhage-Hofmann (Hrsg.), Globale Klimaerwaermung und Ernaehrungssicherung. Guenter Heimbach, Stuttgart, 191.
Schneider, F., T. Engelhardt, and P. H. Wieser, 2002: Properties of airborne dust from pig husbandries and their effects on measurement. In: Hinz, T. (Hrsg.):Landbauforschung Voelkenrode, Particulate Matter in and from Agriculture, Special Issue 235, FAL Braunschweig, 163-173.
Warrach, K., 2002: Diskussion einiger Entscheidungskriterien fuer die Wahl eines Konzeptes zur Abflussmodellierung in einem Landoberflaechenmodell. In 'Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen fuer den Einsatz hydrologischer Modelle in Politik, Wirtschaft und Klimafolgenforschung', Eds: K. Stephan, H. Bormann & B. Dieckkrueger , Kassel University Press, 153-162.
Selected Public Talks:
Haas, U., 2002: Spurengasnachweis mit Diodenlasern. Institut fuer Physik und Physikalische Technologien der Technischen Universitaet Clausthal, 09.01.2002.