Publications: |
Behrendt, A., and T.
Nakamura, 2002: Calculation of the calibration constant
of polarization lidar and its dependency on atmospheric temperature. Opt.
Express 10(16), 805-817. |
DOI:10.1364/OE.10.000805 |
Behrendt, A., T.
Nakamura, M. Onishi, R. Baumgart, and T. Tsuda, 2002:
Combined Raman lidar for the measurement of atmospheric temperature, water
vapor, particle extinction coefficient, and particle backscatter coefficient.
Appl. Optics 41(36), 7657-7666. |
DOI:10.1364/AO.41.007657 |
Behrendt, A., T.
Nakamura, Y. Sawai, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2002:
Rotational vibrational-rotational Raman lidar: Design and performance of the
RASC Raman lidar at Shigaraki (34.8 deg N, 136.1 deg E), Japan. (invited) In:
U.N. Singh (Ed.), Lidar Remote Sensing for Industry and Environment
Monitoring II, SPIE Vol. 4484. |
DOI:10.1117/12.452774 |
Cercasov, V., A.
Pantelica, M. Salagean, G. Caniglia, and A. Scarlat, 2002:
Comparative study of the suitability of three lichen species to trace-element
air monitoring. Environ. Pollut. 119(1), 129-139. |
DOI:10.1016/S0269-7491(01)00170-1 |
Drewnick F., and P.
H. Wieser, 2002: A laser ablation electron impact
ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer for analysis of condensed
materials. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 3003-3006. |
DOI:10.1063/1.1490419 |
Eckhardt, K., 2002: Vergleich zweier Algorithmen zur automatischen
Modellkalibrierung. Hydrol. Wasserbewirts. 46(2), 69-73. |
hywa-online.de |
Eckhardt, K., S.
Haverkamp, N. Fohrer, and H.-G. Frede, 2002: SWAT-G, a
version of SWAT99.2 modified for application to low mountain range
catchments. Phys. Chem. Earth 27(9-10), 641-644. |
DOI:10.1016/S1474-7065(02)00048-7 |
Lammel, G., A.
Roehrl, and H. Schreiber, 2002: Atmospheric lead und bromine in Germany.
Environ. Sci. Pollut. R. 9, 397-404. |
DOI:10.1007/BF02987589 |
Lenhart, T., K.
Eckhardt, N. Fohrer, and H.-G. Frede, 2002: Comparison of
two different approaches of sensitivity analysis. Phys. Chem. Earth 27(9-10),
645-654. |
DOI:10.1016/S1474-7065(02)00049-9 |
Reichardt, J., S.
Reichardt, A. Behrendt, and T. J. McGee, 2002:
Correlations among the optical properties of cirrus-cloud particles:
Implications for spaceborne remote sensing. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29(14),
13-1-13-4. |
DOI:10.1029/2002GL014836 |
Warrach,K., M.
Stieglitz, H.-T. Mengelkamp, and E. Raschke, 2002:
Advantages of a topographically controlled runoff simulation as in a
soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer model. J. Hydrometeorol. 3(2), 131-148. |
DOI:10.1175/1525-7541(2002)003<0131:AOATCR>2.0.CO;2 |
Contributions to
Conferences: |
Bauer, H.-S., H.
Bauer, I. Henning-Mueller, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2002: Global cloud statistics
and the performance of space borne lidar systems: global cloud coverage and
resolution of water vapour lidar experiment in space (WALES) measurements.
In: Bissonette, L. R., G. Roy, and G. Vallee (Eds.): Lidar Remote Sensing in
Atmosphere and Earth Sciences, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the
21st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC21), Quebec, Canada, July
8-12, 803-806. |
Behrendt, A., T.
Nakamura, M. Onishi, R. Baumgart, and T. Tsuda, 2002:
Combined pure-rotational vibrational Raman lidar for the measurement of
atmospheric temperature, humidity, particle extinction, and particle
backscattering. In: Bissonette, L. R., G. Roy, and G. Vallee (Eds.): Lidar
Remote Sensing in Atmosphere and Earth Sciences, Reviewed and revised papers
presented at the 21st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC21), Quebec, Canada,
July 8-12, 559-562. |
Behrendt, A., T.
Nakamura, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2002: Recent upgrades
of the RASC Raman lidar and new measurements proceedings of the 112th SGEPSS Fall Meeting.
November 2002, Tokyo, Japan. |
Behrendt, A., T.
Nakamura, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2002: Simultaneous
profiling of temperature, humidity, and optical particle properties: recent
upgrades of the RASC Raman lidar. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of the
Japanese Atmospheric Lidar Society, November 27, 2002, Tokyo, Japan, abstract
No. 19. |
Behrendt, A., T.
Nakamura, M. Onishi, and T. Tsuda, 2002: The new RASC
lidar at Shigaraki observatory for profiling temperature, humidity, and
optical particle properties. Abstracts of the International Symposium on
Equatorial Processes Including Coupling (EPIC), March 18-22, 2002, Kyoto,
Japan, 45. |
Eckhardt, K., 2002:
Potenzielle Auswirkungen von Klimaaenderungen in einem Einzugsgebiet des
Rheinischen Schiefergebirges. Forum fuer Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung
1, 107-113. |
Fohrer, N., S.
Haverkamp, K. Eckhardt, and H.-G. Frede, 2002: Policy
induced land use changes and its effect on land degradation - A modelling
approach -. In: Rubio, J. L., Morgan, R. P. C., Asins, S., Andreu, V. (Eds.):
Man and Soil at the 3rd Millenium. Geoforma Ediciones, Logrono, 2002, Vol. 1, 257-265. |
Garand, L., E.
Gérard, D. Tan, V. Wulfmeyer, G. Ehret, and P. Di Girolamo, 2002: WALES (water vapour lidar experiment in space): Impact of
space borne measurements on NWP and climate research. 21th International Laser
Radar Conference, Quebec City, Canada, July 2002. |
Janjić, T., T.
Schaberl, V. Wulfmeyer, R. K. Newsom, and R. M. Hardesty,
2002: 24-h Observations of the marine boundary layer using ship-borne NOAA
high-resolution doppler lidar. 21th International Laser Radar Conference, Quebec City, Canada,
July 2002. |
Onishi, M., A.
Behrendt, K. Kurimoto, J. Furumoto, T. Nakamura, and T. Tsuda, 2002: Simultaneous humidity and temperature measurements with
Raman lidar and radio acoustic sounding. In: L.R. Bissonette, G. Roy, and G.
Vallee (Eds.): Lidar Remote Sensing in Atmosphere and Earth Sciences,
Reviewed and revised papers presented at the 21st International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC21), Quebec, Canada,
July 8-12, 709-712. |
Reinhardt, T., R.
Sauter, and U. Haas, 2002: Photoacoustic trace gas detection with wavelength
modulated diode laser excitation. In: 34. Hohenheimer Umwelttagung “Globale
Klimaerwaermung und Ernaehrungssicherung”, 165-170. |
Schaberl, T., F.
Mayer, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2002: Wasserdampf Differential Absorption Lidar in
der Atmosphaerenforschung, 34. Hohenheimer Umwelttagung, Januar 2002. |
Wulfmeyer, V., 2002:
Satellitengestuetzte Fernerkundung des wichtigsten Treibhausgases: Der
Beitrag der Universitaet Hohenheim. Plenarvortrag, Hohenheimer Umwelttage,
Januar 2002. |
Wulfmeyer, V., 2002 (invited): Lidar - The next generation. Current and
future applications due to recent technological advance. 21th International Laser
Radar Conference, Quebec City, Canada, July 2002. |
Monographs and
Reports: |
Haas, U., 2002:
Physik fuer Pharmazeuten und Mediziner, nach dem Gegenstandskatalog. Ein
Lehrbuch fuer alle Studierenden mit Physik als Nebenfach. 6. Auflage,
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart. |
Pantelica, A., V.
Cercasov, E. Steinnes, and B. Wolterbeek, 2002: Elemental analysis of airborne
particulate matter, lichen bioaccumulators and total deposition after 6
months of exposure. Received Aug. 28. |
Reinhardt, T., 2002:
Photoakustischer Nachweis von Ammoniak mit Diodenlasern im Spektralbereich
des Nahen Infrarot. Dissertation, Universitaet Hohenheim. |
Schneider, F., T.
Engelhardt, P. H. Wieser und V. Wulfmeyer, 2002: Untersuchung von
Aerosolpartikeln aus der Landwirtschaft am Beispiel von Emissionen aus der
Mastschweinehaltung. In: Boecker R. und A. Sandhage-Hofmann (Hrsg.), Globale
Klimaerwaermung und Ernaehrungssicherung. Guenter Heimbach, Stuttgart, 191. |
Schneider, F., T.
Engelhardt, and P. H. Wieser, 2002: Properties of airborne dust from pig
husbandries and their effects on measurement. In: Hinz, T.
(Hrsg.):Landbauforschung Voelkenrode, Particulate Matter in and from
Agriculture, Special Issue 235, FAL Braunschweig, 163-173. |
Warrach, K., 2002:
Diskussion einiger Entscheidungskriterien fuer die Wahl eines Konzeptes zur
Abflussmodellierung in einem Landoberflaechenmodell. In 'Moeglichkeiten und
Grenzen fuer den Einsatz hydrologischer Modelle in Politik, Wirtschaft und
Klimafolgenforschung', Eds: K. Stephan, H. Bormann & B. Dieckkrueger ,
Kassel University Press, 153-162. |
Selected Public
Talks: |
Haas, U., 2002:
Spurengasnachweis mit Diodenlasern. Institut fuer Physik und Physikalische
Technologien der Technischen Universitaet Clausthal, 09.01.2002. |