Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Di Girolamo, P., A. Behrendt, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2006: Spaceborne profiling of atmospheric temperature and particle extinction with pure rotational Raman lidar and of relative humidity in combination with differential absorption lidar: Performance simulations. Appl. Optics 45(11), 2474-2494.
Girolamo, P.D., A. Behrendt, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2006: Erratum: Spaceborne profiling of atmospheric temperature and particle extinction with pure rotational Raman lidar and of relative humidity in combination with differential absorption lidar: Performance simulations (Appl. Optics (2006) 45 (2474-2494)) Appl. Optics, 45(20), 4909. 
Jungkunst, H. F., R. Sauter, A. Link, S. Fiedler, K. Stahr, and U. Haas, 2006: Verifying three types of methane fluxes from soils by testing the performance of a novel mobile photoacoustic method versus a well-established gas chromatographic one. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(20), 6425-6431.
Warrach, K., M. Stieglitz, J. Shaman, V. C. Engel, and K. L. Griffin, 2006: Twentieth century climate in the New York Hudson Highlands and the potential impacts on eco-hydrological processes. Climatic Change 75, 455-493.
Whiteman, D. N., B. Demoz, P. Di Girolamo, J. Comer, I. Veselovskii, K. Evans, Z. Wang, D. Sabatino, G. Schwemmer, B. Gentry, R.-F. Lin, A. Behrendt, V. Wulfmeyer, E. Browell, R. Ferrare, S. Ismail, and J. Wang, 2006: Raman water vapor lidar measurements during the international H2O Project. II. Case Studies. J. Atmos. Ocean. Techn. 23(2), 170-183.

Wolff, O., and U. Haas, 2006: Temperature and depth dependent photoacoustic study of microscale range layers beneath the surface of primary alcohols. Instrum. Sci. Technol. 34(1-2), 211-224.
Wulfmeyer, V., H.-S. Bauer, M. Grzeschik, A. Behrendt, F. Vandenberghe, E. V. Browell, S. Ismail, and R. Ferrare, 2006: Four-dimensional variational assimilation of water vapor differential absorption lidar data. The first case study within IHOP 2002. Mon. Weather Rev. 134(1), 209-230.

Wulfmeyer, V., and I. Henning-Mueller, 2006: The climate station of the University of Hohenheim: Analyses of air temperature and precipitation time series since 1878. Int. J. Climatol. 26(1),113-138.
Contributions to Conferences:
Bauer, H.-S., M. Grzeschik, F. Zus, V. Wulfmeyer, A. Behrendt, and T. Schwitalla, 2006: Modeling and assimilation efforts at IPM in preparation of COPS. 4th COPS & GOP Workshop, 25-26 September 2006, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Behrendt, A. and V. Wulfmeyer, 2006: Investigating the initiation of convection by measuring 3D fields of atmospheric instability, humidity and dynamics with lidar. 7th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling (ISTP), Boulder, CO, USA, June 11-17, 2006.
Behrendt, A., V. Wulfmeyer, C. Kottmeier, U. Corsmeier, M. Hagen, G. Craig, H.-S. Bauer, and COPS ISSC, 2006: COPS: A research and development project interlinked with D-PHASE. First MAP D-PHASE Scientific Meeting, Vienna, Austria, November 6-8, 2006.
Behrendt, A., V. Wulfmeyer, C. Kottmeier, U. Corsmeier, M. Hagen, G. Craig, and H.-S. Bauer, 2006: The convective and orographically-induced precipitation study (COPS) and ist links to THORPEX. 2nd THORPEX International Science Symposium (STISS), Programm and Extended Abstracts, WMO/TD No. 1355, THORPEX Programme Office, WMO, Geneva, CH, 72-73. 
Behrendt, A., V. Wulfmeyer, C. Kottmeier, U. Corsmeier, G. Craig, M. Hagen, S. Crewell, and H.-S. Bauer, 2006: Status of COPS, from scientific preparation towards operation. 3rd COPS & GOP Workshop, 10-11 April 2006, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Behrendt, A., V. Wulfmeyer, C. Kottmeier, and U. Corsmeier, 2006: The benefits of lidar for meteorological research: The convective and orographically-induced precipitation study (COPS). In: C. Nagasawa, N. Sugimoto (Eds.), Reviewed and Revised Papers of the 23rd International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), 24-28 July 2006, Nara, Japan, 695-698.
Behrendt, A., V. Wulfmeyer, C. Kottmeier, U. Corsmeier, M. Hagen, G. Craig, H.-S. Bauer, and COPS ISSC, 2006: COPS: "A research and development project interlinked with D-PHASE." First MAP D-PHASE Scientific Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 6-8 November 2006.
Behrendt, A., et al., 2006: UHOH Rotational Raman Lidar (RRL). 3rd COPS & GOP Workshop, 10-11 April 2006, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Grzeschik, M., H.-S. Bauer, V. Wulfmeyer, F. Vandenberghe, E.V. Browell, and U. Corsmeier, 2006: The impact of improved observations and data assimilation schemes on water vapor initial fields. 7th ISTP, Boulder, CO, USA, June 11-17, 2006.
Grzeschik, M., F. Zus, H.-S. Bauer, V. Wulfmeyer, J. Wickert, G. Dick, and G. Gendt, 2006: Assimilation of GPS water vapor observations into the MM5 4D-Var system. First MAP D-Phase Scientific Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 6-8 November 2006.
Hense, A., G. Adrian, C. Kottmeier, C. Simmer, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2006: The German priority program SPP1167 PQP quantitative precipitation forecasting: an overview. 2nd International Symposium on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) and Hydrology, Boulder, CO, USA, June 4-8, 2006.
Henning-Mueller, I. und V. Wulfmeyer, 2006: "125 jahre Klima- und Wetterstation Hohenheim",7. Deutsche Klimatagung, Muenchen, 9.-11. Oktober 2006.
Kottmeier, C., V. Wulfmeyer, and A. Behrendt, 2006 (invited): The convective and orographically induced precipitation study (COPS) in 2007. 2nd International Symposium on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) and Hydrology, Boulder, CO, USA, June 4-8, 2006.
Pal, S., A. Behrendt, M. Radlach, T. Schaberl, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2006: Eye-safe scanning aerosol lidar at 355 nm. In: C. Nagasawa, N. Sugimoto (Eds.), Reviewed and Revised Papers of the 23rd International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), 24-28 July 2006, Nara, Japan, 797-800.
Petrova-Mayor, A., V. Wulfmeyer, and P. Weibring, 2006: An eye-safe, tunable lidar transmitter at 1.45µm based on a Cr4+:YAG laser. In: C. Nagasawa, N. Sugimoto (Eds.), Reviewed and Revised Papers of the 23rd International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), 24-28 July 2006, Nara, Japan, 201-204.
Radlach, M., A. Behrendt, S. Pal, T. Schaberl, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2006: Scanning rotational Raman lidar at 355 nm for the measurement of tropospheric temperature fields. In: C. Nagasawa, N. Sugimoto (Eds.), Reviewed and Revised Papers of the 23rd International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), 24-28 July 2006, Nara, Japan, 699 - 702.
Schaberl, T., et al., 2006: UHOH X-Band Radar. 3rd COPS & GOP Workshop, 10-11 April 2006, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Wieser, A., et al., 2006: The campaign PRINCE (Prediction, identification and tracking of convective cells) 4th COPS & GOP Workshop, 25-26 September 2006, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Wulfmeyer, V., 2006 (invited): The convective and orographically-induced precipitation study (COPS): A unique application of the ARM mobile facility. 16th Annual ARM Science Team Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA, March 27-30, 2006.
Wulfmeyer, V., A. Behrendt, C. Kottmeier, U. Corsmeier, J. Heintzenberg, M. Hagen, G. Craig, and H.-S. Bauer, 2006: Improving the forecast of convective precipitation events in orographic terrain: The COPS campaign. 7th ISTP, Boulder, CO, USA, June 11-17, 2006.
Wulfmeyer, V., 2006: The WWRP projects COPS and D-PHASE: A unique opportunity for studying the impact of small-scale/large-scale interactions of atmospheric processes on short- to medium-range quantitative precipitation forecasts. 2nd THORPEX International Science Symposium (STISS), Programm and Extended Abstracts, WMO/TD No. 1355, THORPEX Programme Office, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland.
Wulfmeyer, V., et al., 2006: Lidar reference system based on a high-power laser. 3rd COPS & GOP Workshop, 10-11 April 2006, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Wulfmeyer, V., A. Behrendt, and the COPS ISSC and WG Chairs, 2006: COPS Status. 4th COPS & GOP Workshop, 25-26 September 2006, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Wulfmeyer, V., and I. Henning-Mueller, 2006: 125 Jahre Klima- und Wetterstation Hohenheim. 7. Deutsche Klimatagung, Muenchen, October 9-11, 2006.
Wurster, R., 2006: Particle mass spectrometry by a scanning force microscopical sensor. Posterbeitrag zum Particle Workshop, NIST, Gaithersburg, USA, April 2006.
Wurster, R., S. Pentzien, and W. Kautek, 2006: Laser microprobe mass spectrometry of microparticles generated during laser cleaning of a contaminated surface of an ancient parchment. Posterbeitrag zum Particle Workshop, NIST, Gaithersburg, USA, April 2006.
Wurster, R., S. Pentzien, and W. Kautek, 2006: Space-resolved imaging and mass spectrometry of nano- and microparticles generated by laser irradiation of parchment, 105. Tagung der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft fuer Phys. Chemie, Erlangen, Mai 2006.
Wurster, R., S. Pentzien, A. Conradi, and J. Krueger, 2006: Characterization of laser generated microparticles by means of a dust monitor and SEM imaging, 12. Conference on Laser Optics, Workshop W4: lasers for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, St. Petersburg, June 2006, Laser Chem., Vol. 2006, Article ID 31862, 5 pages.
Monographs and Reports:
Lammel, G., V. Wulfmeyer, S. Pal, A. M. Valdebenito, A. Behrendt, F. Mueller, M. Radlach und T. Schaberl, 2006: Aerosole aus der Nutztierhaltung (Aerosols in Livestock Farming), Foerderkennzeichen: ZO3K23005 and ZO3K23007, Interim Report, January, 2006.
Selected Presentation:
Behrendt, A. and V. Wulfmeyer, COPS ISSC & WG Chairs, 2006: COPS Status, Kick-Off-Meeting of Phase 2 of SPP 1167 'PQP - Quantitative Niederschlagsvorhersage' , Bonn, 23.-24. Oktober 2006.
Selected Public Talks:
Bauer, H.-S., 2006: Klima & Klimaaenderungen, RISC Vortrag, 19.10.2006.
Haas, U., 2006: VHS-Schorndorf: Physik im Alltag: Naturphaenomene zum Raetseln und Staunen. 17.01.2006.
Haas, U., 2006: Eroeffnungsvortrag der Experimenta - Physik fuer die Sinne in Heilbronn: Sind Jugendliche noch fuer fuer Physik und andere Naturwissenschaften zu begeistern? 31.05.2006.
Haas, U. und P. Menzel, 2006: Kinder-Uni Heilbronn: Warum brennt eine Kerze? 14.06.2006.
Wulfmeyer, V., 2006: Volkshochschule Stuttgart, January 2006: Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen moderner Meteorologie.